The POSSE Group is pleased to announce that it has been awarded theCitizen CompanyTM label, as well as ISO 9001:2015 et ISO 14001:2015 certifications. ISO is one of the most rigorous and respected standards in the world. The POSSE Group was audited by EdelCert & InSpectorat, and the certificates were awarded in December 2020.
POSSE and the Citizen Company label
The awarding of the label Corporate CitizenshipTM is based on prior certification to ISO 9001 standards – quality management system – and ISO 14001 – environmental management system and requires meeting a series of requirements in the areas of governance, human rights, working conditions, the environment, fair practices, respect for customers and civic commitment.
POSSE and its ISO 9001 :2015 and ISO 14001 :2015 certifications
Our quality management system (QMS) enables us to optimise the quality provided in all our activities: from the analysis of the client’s needs to the personalisation of our offers. The quality management system ensures that our services are provided in accordance with the planned specifications, in order to guarantee consistent quality and full customer satisfaction.
Our environmental management system (EMS) enables us to take care of our environment and prevent our group from causing negative impacts on the environment. This is the most important challenge we face today in order to be among the companies in French-speaking Switzerland that are concerned about reducing their environmental footprint.
However, our obtaining such recognition is not an end in itself. Our ambition is to continuously innovate and improve our processes and activities in order to meet the expectations and requirements of our employees and customers in the best possible way.